
Friends of the Musicians’ Chapel pay annual subscriptions for the maintenance of the Chapel and the Book of Remembrance. The Committee assists with the upkeep of the Chapel and maintains the website of the Friends of the Musicians’ Chapel and the on-line Register of musicians inscribed within the Book of Remembrance.

The Friends of the Musicians’ Chapel take an active part in maintaining and promoting interest in the Chapel. Each year, usually in May, a Commemoration Service is held in St Sepulchre’s Church for the lives and work of the musicians whose names are in the Book of Remembrance. Conservatoire and university choirs provide the music for these services.

If you would like to join the Friends of the Musicans’ Chapel and / or have a musician’s name inscribed in the Book of Remembrance, please contact us.

Patron: Dame Felicity Lott, DBE, FRAM, FRCM

Chairman: Mr Andrew Morris

Secretary: Mrs Rita Castle

Treasurer: Professor Mark Wildman

Mr Peter Cook
Miss Gill Cracknell
Mr Martyn Williams
Dr Simon Lindley
Mr Richard Lyne
Mr Tim Jones
Mrs Philippa Dutton, MVO
Mr Jonathan Kingston
Mr Paul Gobey
The Rev. Nick Mottershead (Ex officio)
Mr Peter Asprey (Ex officio)