Upcoming Services
Posted on August 27, 2024Requiem Eucharist and AGM
The 2024 AGM will take place on Wednesday 6th November 2024 at 3.00 pm in the Henry Wood Room at Holy Sepulchre. The Requiem Eucharist, in memory of all musicians whose names are inscribed in the Musicians’ Book of Remembrance, will follow at 5.15 pm when the choir of Holy Sepulchre will be directed by Peter Asprey. The preacher will be The Revd Nicholas Mottershead, Priest-in-Chage of Holy Sepulchre, the National Musicians’ Church.
Service of Thanksgiving 2025
The 2025 Service of Thanksgiving will take place on Wednesday 4th June 2025 at 5.15 pm. The Chapel Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London will be directed by Rupert Gough.

Service of Thanksgiving 2024
Posted on April 24, 2024The Service of Thanksgiving in 2024 was held on Wednesday 24th April 2024 at 5.15 pm, with music provided by the Chapel Choir of Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich, directed by Ralph Allwood, MBE.
The Address was given by The Reverend Dr Stephen Cherry, Dean of Chapel and Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge.
Names Inscribed in 2024
Name | Occupation | Year of Death |
Gerald Barnes | Organist, Choirmaster | 2022 |
Mildred Bettley | Teacher, Pianist | 2021 |
Colin Bradbury | Clarinettist | 2023 |
James Bowman | Countertenor | 2023 |
Duff Burns | Violist | 2021 |
Janet Canetty–Clarke | Conductor, Lecturer | 2023 |
Peter Carson | State Trumpeter | 2023 |
Tony Cleveland | Violinist | 2015 |
Peter Dickinson | Composer, Pianist | 2023 |
Andrew Downes | Composer, Teacher | 2023 |
Andrew Garrett | Harpsichord Maker | 2021 |
Bryan Gipps | Violinist | 2001 |
Ruth Gipps | Composer, Oboist | 1999 |
Barry Holland | Cornet, Violinist | 1994 |
Michal Kaznowski | Cellist, Teacher | 2023 |
John Ludlow | Violinist | 2021 |
David Lumsden | Principal R.A.M. | 2023 |
Jean Methven | Soprano | 2022 |
Jane Parker–Smith | Organist | 2020 |
Eileen Price | Singer, Teacher | 2022 |
Chris Pyne | Jazz Trombonist | 1995 |
Mick Pyne | Trumpeter, Pianist | 1995 |
Jeremy Siepmann | Broadcaster | 2016 |
J.Stanley Shirtcliff | Organist, Choirmaster | 1982 |
Roy Terry | Conductor, Teacher | 2023 |
Barry Tuckwell | Horn Player | 2020 |
Haydn Turner | Cellist | 1985 |
Stephen Wilkinson | Choral Conductor | 2021 |
Stanley Woods | Trumpeter | 2020 |
Kenneth Woollam | Operatic Tenor | 2020 |

Services of Thanksgiving 2023
Posted on May 24, 2023There were two Services of Thanksgiving in 2023
First Service
The first was held on Wednesday 17th May, and was sung by a choir from the Royal Academy of Music directed by Patrick Russill. The preacher was The Revd Dr James Hawkey, Canon of Westminster and Chaplain to His Majesty The King. A copy of the address can be found here.
Names Inscribed at the First Service
Name | Occupation | Year of Death |
Sue Alcock | Clarinettist | 2020 |
Wendy Baldwin | Principal Soprano | 2021 |
John Bradbury | Director of Music | 2021 |
Julian Bream | Guitarist, Lutenist | 2020 |
Michael Bromberg | Violist | 1978 |
Sheila Bromberg | Harpist | 2021 |
Alan Byers | Tenor | 2022 |
Barry Castle | Horn player | 2022 |
Marguerita Chilvers | Teacher, Conductor | 2016 |
Clive Constance | Baritone | 2022 |
Robert Docker | Pianist, Composer | 1992 |
Catherine Ennis | Organist | 2020 |
Roger Fisher | Organist, Choirmaster | 2021 |
Jack Geary | Bandleader, Clarinettist | 1974 |
Andrew Greenwood | Opera conductor | 2021 |
Jane E Griffiths | Clarinet teacher | 2021 |
Allen Handy | Trumpet player | 2020 |
Paul Harrison | Director of Music | 2021 |
Dominic Hopkins | Violinist | 2022 |
Donald Hoskins | Conductor, Musicologist | 2020 |
Neil Hoyle | Music Administrator | 2019 |
David Hudson | Sound Engineer | 2013 |
Peter Jonas | Intendant | 2020 |
Patrick Kelly | Trombonist | 2020 |
Chris Larkin | Horn player | 2021 |
Maureen Lehane | Mezzo Soprano | 2010 |
Martin Loveday | Cellist | 2020 |
Hilary Macnamara | Pianist | 2021 |
Andrew (Andy) McGavin | French Horn | 2021 |
Jean Middlemiss | Director of Music | 2020 |
Clarence Alfred Myerscough | Violinist | 1985 |
Mike Nelson | Violinist, Violist | 2021 |
Sheila Nelson | Violinist | 2020 |
Tony Parsons | Trombonist | 2019 |
Jeremy Peyton Jones | Composer, Lecturer | 2021 |
Megan Pound | Violinist | 2017 |
Leonard Pugh | Music Adviser | 2019 |
Larion Stolk | Singer, Teacher | 2019 |
Derek Taylor | French Horn | 2021 |
Derek Wickens | Oboist | 2022 |
Peter Wishart | Composer | 1984 |
John Woolf | Violinist, Impresario | 2022 |
Second Service
The second was held on Wednesday 13th September at 5.15 pm , sung by the choir of Holy Sepulchre directed by Peter Asprey. The preacher was The Revd Nicholas Mottershead, Priest-in-Charge of Holy Sepulchre.
Names Inscribed at the Second Service
Name | Occupation | Year of Death |
Simon Bainbridge | Composer | 2021 |
John Bass | Double Bassist | 1996 |
Jennifer Bate | Concert Organist | 2020 |
Charles Beldom | Violinist | 2022 |
Stan Bourke | Drummer | 2017 |
Joan Bucknall | Violist | 2016 |
Richard Burnett | Fortepianist | 2022 |
Jean Burrow | Pianist, Choirleader | 2022 |
Alex Cameron | Cellist | 2023 |
Alfred Champniss | Director of Music | 2022 |
Anne Collis | Percussionist, Composer | 2013 |
Benedict Cruft | Violinist | 2022 |
Gervase de Peyer | Clarinettist | 2017 |
Felicity Foster | Pianist | 2022 |
Charles Fullbrook | Timpanist | 2022 |
James Griffett | Tenor | 2019 |
Joseph Horovitz | Composer, Conductor | 2022 |
Martin How | Organist, Composer | 2022 |
Alison Howard-Lucy | Cellist | 2018 |
Francis Jackson | Organist, Composer | 2022 |
Keith Jarvis | Organist, Teacher | 2023 |
David Littaur | Conductor | 2022 |
David Lloyd-Jones | Conductor | 2022 |
Salah Dawson Miller | Ethnomusicologist | 2017 |
Emma Murphy | Recorder Player | 2022 |
Simon Preston | Organist, Conductor | 2022 |
Stephen Roberts | Baritone | 2022 |
Godfrey Salmon | Violinist, Conductor | 2022 |
Richard Seal | Cathedral Organist | 2022 |
Timothy Symons | Singer, Musicologist | 2022 |
Malcolm Troup | Pianist, Academic | 2021 |
Peter Wiggins | Oboist, Reedmaker | 2022 |

Service of Thanksgiving 2022
Posted on January 8, 2022The Service of Thanksgiving in 2022 was held on Wednesday 18th May 2022 at 5.00 pm, with music provided by the Chamber Choir of the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire directed by Paul Spicer. The Address was given by The Reverend Canon Adrian Daffern, FRCO, Vicar of the University Church of Great St Mary’s, Cambridge. A copy of the address can be found here.
Names Inscribed in 2022
Name | Occupation | Year of Death |
Steuart Bedford | Conductor, Pianist | 2021 |
Susanne Beer | Cellist | 2019 |
Fiona Cameron | Pianist, Teacher | 2020 |
Sidney Campbell | Organist, Composer | 1974 |
Herbert Chappell | Composer, Producer | 2019 |
Gustav Clarkson | Violist | 2020 |
Julian Couzens | Organist, Choirmaster | 2019 |
Geoffrey Dancer | Pianist, Restorer | 2008 |
Oliver Davies | Pianist, Musicologist | 2020 |
Paul Deegan | Tenor, Teacher | 2020 |
Frances Dewar | Violinist | 2019 |
John A Duffy (JD) | Double Bassist | 2021 |
Ruth Dyson | Harpsichordist, Teacher | 1997 |
Margaret Engering | Suzuki Teacher | 2016 |
Nigel Finzi | Violinist | 2010 |
Carol Foulkes | Soprano | 2020 |
Jonathan Goldstein | Composer | 2019 |
Alan Green | Tenor, Teacher | 2020 |
Joan Hall | Violinist | 2020 |
Bernard Hall-Mancey | Director of Music | 2020 |
Brian Hawkins | Violist, Teacher | 2019 |
Susan Henderson | Violinist | 2019 |
Michelle Le M. Jenkins | Flute, Harp | 2019 |
Kenneth Jones | Composer, Conductor | 2020 |
Annie Lecker | Pianist | 1979 |
Maurice Lecker | Conductor, Violinist | 1956 |
Richard Lloyd | Organist, Composer | 2021 |
Peter Long | Organist, Tenor | 2019 |
Jane Manning | Soprano, Writer | 2021 |
Hannah Marcinowicz | Classical Saxophonist | 2019 |
Nick Milner-Gulland | Organist, Teacher | 2017 |
John Morehen | Scholar, Organist | 2021 |
Frank Murphy | French Horn | 2019 |
Lucian Nethsingha | Cathedral Organist | 2021 |
Anthony Payne | Composer, Musicologist | 2021 |
James Peschek | Musician, Communicator | 2021 |
Mollie Petrie | Mezzo Soprano, Teacher | 2016 |
Richard Shephard | Composer, Educator | 2021 |
Celia Simmonds | Cellist | 1987 |
Maurice Simmonds | Violinist | 1998 |
Keith Stent | Conductor, Arranger | 2019 |
Tony Whennell | Saxophonist, Teacher | 2020 |
Arthur Wills | Composer, Organist | 2020 |
Bob Winquist | Violist, Violinist | 2020 |

Service of Thanksgiving 2021
Posted on August 22, 2021The Service of Thanksgiving was held on Wednesday 29th September 2021 The Service was led by The Reverend Nick Mottershead with music from the Choir of Holy Sepulchre, directed by Peter Asprey. The Address was given by The Very Reverend Dr Victor Stock, Dean-Emeritus of Guildford and a former Rector of St Mary-le-Bow.
Names Inscribed in 2021
Name | Occupation | Year of Death |
William Alwyn | Composer | 1985 |
Marjorie Avis | Soprano | 2000 |
Lawrence Barnes | Piano Tuner | 2003 |
Lynton Black | Bass Baritone | 2019 |
Dian Booth | Violinist | 2020 |
Paula Bott | Soprano – Opera | 2019 |
Lucy Carolan | Harpsichordist | 2015 |
Doreen Carwithen | Composer | 2003 |
Stephen Cleobury | Conductor, Organist | 2019 |
Ian Copley | Composer, Author | 1988 |
Esther Cooper | Violinist, Violist | 2015 |
Stefan de Haan | Bassoonist, Composer | 2010 |
John Edney | Trombonist | 2019 |
Margery Elliott | Flautist | 2019 |
Gerald English | Tenor | 2019 |
Alastair (Al) Fletcher | Drummer | 2016 |
John Fletcher | Tuba Player | 1987 |
Matthew Fowler | Keyboards Player | 2018 |
Peter Fowler | Singer, Conductor | 2019 |
Jack Goddard | Saxophonist, Arranger | 1989 |
Anthony Goldstone | Pianist | 2017 |
Eric Heap | Trumpet Player | 2018 |
Reginald (Reg) Howell | Organist, Choirmaster | 1988 |
Peter Hurford | Organist, Composer | 2019 |
Michael Keyte | Pianist, Teacher | 2018 |
Oliver Knussen | Composer, Conductor | 2018 |
Stuart Knussen | Double Bassist | 1990 |
Nona Liddell | Violinist | 2017 |
Francisco Xavier Lobo | Army Bandmaster | 1930 |
Danny Longstaff | Trombonist | 2015 |
Peter Macdonald | Conductor, Organist | 2017 |
Brian Mack | Violist | 2019 |
Helen MacLeod | Harpist | 2018 |
Benjamin W. Odom | Baritone, Conductor | 2019 |
Glyndwr Parfitt | Violist, Teacher | 2019 |
Noel Rawsthorne | Organist, Composer | 2019 |
Peter Stevens | Violinist, Violist | 2018 |
Roderick Swanston | Lecturer, Organist | 2018 |
Alan Taylor | Teacher, Composer | 2018 |
Geoffrey Thomas | Cellist | 2018 |
Anthony (Tony) Tunstall | Hom Player | 2018 |
John Walker | Organist | 2019 |
John Whitfield | Bassoonist, Arranger | 2019 |
David Wright | Pianist, Organist | 2004 |

Service of Thanksgiving 2019
Posted on December 9, 2018The 2019 Service of Thanksgiving was on Tuesday 23rd April 2019 at 6.00 pm at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
The service was conducted by the Rector, The Reverend David Ingall and the preacher was The Right Reverend Graeme Knowles, CVO, the former Dean of St Paul’s. The Precentor was The Reverend Peter
The music was a Queen Anne Evensong of the early 1700s, sung by the choir of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, under the direction of Dr Geoffrey Webber.

2018 Inscriptions
Posted on May 26, 2018The following people were remembered through inscription in the Book of Remembrance in 2018:
Name | Profession | Birth-Death |
David Angel | Violinist | 1954-2017 |
Derek Bourgeois | Composer | 1941-2017 |
Constance Boyle | Pianist | 1929-2017 |
Averil Carmalt | Violinist, Teacher | 1934-2017 |
Patricia Carroll | Pianist | 1932-2017 |
Harry Cawood | Violinist, Teacher | 1942-2017 |
Audrey Chapman | Pianist | 1922-2013 |
Arnold Cooke | Composer | 1906-2005 |
Melanie Daiken | Composer, Teacher | 1945-2016 |
James Dalton | Organist | 1930-2017 |
Dorothy Dorow | Soprano | 1930-2017 |
Peter Hall | Tenor | 1940-2017 |
Mike Harries | Trombonist, Bandleader | 1932-2018 |
Alan Haven | Jazz Organist | 1935-2016 |
Antoinette Kirkwood | Composer | 1930-2014 |
Gordon Langford | Composer, Pianist | 1930-2017 |
Pauline Mara | Flautist | 1948-2010 |
Robert Meikle | Teacher, Conductor | 1936-2017 |
Anthony Milledge | Organist, Conductor | 1943-2017 |
Antony Miller | Oboist, Teacher | 1926-2017 |
James Patten | Composer | 1936-2015 |
Lena Phillips | Singing Teacher | 1944-2015 |
Fergus Read | Jazz Teacher | 1965-2006 |
Reg Reid | Trombonist, Lecturer | 1937-2017 |
John Stenhouse | Clarinettist | 1942-2016 |
Eva Stewart | Piccolo, Flautist | 1971-2017 |
Jasper Thorogood | Director of Music | 1943-2016 |
Peter Uppard | Pianist, Composer | 1944-2017 |
Peter Ward | Pianist, Violist | 1922-2017 |
Gwyn Williams | Violist | 1937-2015 |
Michael Winfield | Oboist | 1930-2017 |
David Wulstan | Choirmaster, Scholar | 1937-2017 |

2017 Inscriptions
Posted on May 13, 2017The following people were remembered through inscription in the Book of Remembrance this year:
Name | Profession | Birth-Death |
Oliver Bannister | Flautist | 1926-2014 |
Guy Bennett | Trombonist, Conductor | 1958-2016 |
Neil Black | Oboist | 1932-2016 |
Paul Blissett | Pianist | 1938-2016 |
Rosie Cracknell | Singer, Songwriter | 1953-2015 |
Paul Anthony Davis | Conductor, Pianist | 1938-2016 |
Barry Draycott | Organist | 1934-2016 |
Rosemary Dunn | Violist | 1938-2016 |
David Gedge | Organist | 1968-2016 |
Alasdair Graham | Pianist | 1934-2016 |
Clifford Hewis | Organist | 1910-1989 |
Michael Hill | Pianist, Administrator | 1945-2016 |
Alfreda Hodgson | Contralto | 1940-1992 |
Christine Jackson | Cellist | 1962-2016 |
Sydney (Bill) Jackson | Trumpeter, Teacher | 1929-2015 |
Michael James | Organist, Conductor | 1951-1981 |
Peter James | Conductor | 1940-2016 |
David Johnston | Tenor | 1931-2016 |
Helen Just | Chamber Musician | 1903-1989 |
Lina Lalandi-Emery | Harpsichordist | 1920-2012 |
Tim Lawrence | Tenor | 1988-2015 |
Lawrence (Laurie) Lewis | Violinist | 1931-2016 |
Pamela Majaro | Chamber Musician | 1932-2016 |
Noel Mander | Organ builder | 1912-2005 |
Neville Marriner | Violinist, Conductor | 1924-2016 |
Peter Maxwell Davies | Composer | 1934-2016 |
John Milton-Tayler | Drummer, Teacher | 1934-2016 |
Karen O’Connor | Oboist | 1956-2016 |
William R.H. Petter | Tenor | 1982-2016 |
Martin Pickering | Tenor, Conductor | 1955-2016 |
Norman Platt | Founder Kent Opera | 1920-2004 |
Richard Popplewell | Organist, Choirmaster | 1935-2016 |
Jean Price | Harpist | 1950-2016 |
Joyce Rathbone | Pianist | 1929-2010 |
Paul Robertson | Violinist | 1952-2016 |
Brian Sharp | Organist, Pianist | 1937-2016 |
John Shirley-Quirk | Bass Baritone | 1931-2016 |
Peter Melville Smith | Piano Teacher | 1943-2016 |
Shelley Stannus Gunning | Cellist | 1937-2016 |
Paul Steinitz | Conductor, Scholar | 1909-1988 |
Jennifer Ward Clarke | Cellist | 1935-2015 |
Robin Wells | Organist, Conductor | 1943-2016 |
Hazel Wood | Mezzo soprano | 1936-2016 |
Guy Woolfenden | Composer | 1937-2016 |

Service of Thanksgiving 2017
Posted on February 1, 2017This year’s Annual Service of Thanksgiving in memory of those newly inscribed into the Book of Remembrance in the Musicians’ Chapel took place on Tuesday 2nd May 2017 at 6.00 pm and was sung by the Choir of the Royal Academy of Music directed by Patrick Russill. The preacher was The Dean of Westminster, The Very Reverend Dr John Hall. Dr Hall has kindly made a transcript of his address available; to download please click here.

2016 Inscriptions
Posted on May 1, 2016The following names were inscribed in the Book of Remembrance this year:
Name | Profession | Birth–Death |
Pauline Brockless | Soprano | 1929–2015 |
Nicholas Busch | Principal Horn | 1939–2013 |
Alfred Clow | Woodwind Teacher | 1938–2014 |
Eugéne Collins | Pianist | 1927–2015 |
Denys Darlow | Conductor, Organist | 1921–2015 |
Sister André Dullaghan | Singing Teacher | 1937–2015 |
Bryan Fairfax | Conductor, Violinist | 1925–2014 |
Rod Franks | Trumpeter | 1956–2014 |
Wilfred Gibson | Violinist, Composer | 1942–2014 |
Sydney Humphreys | Violinist, Teacher | 1926–2015 |
Kay Hurwitz | Violist | 1920–2014 |
Derek James | Principal Trombone | 1929–2014 |
Richard Lewis | Tenor | 1914–1990 |
John McCabe | Composer | 1939–2015 |
Sybil Michelow | Contralto | 1925–2013 |
David Nevens | Composer | 1945–2015 |
Howard Parkhouse | Organist, Conductor | 1946–2015 |
Alison Pottinger | Pianist | 1930–2015 |
Michael Procter | Choral Director | 1951–2012 |
John Railton | Choral Director | 1929–2013 |
Michael Rayner | Baritone | 1932–2015 |
Howard Rees | Composer, Teacher | 1945–2011 |
Christopher Regan | Organist, Administrator | 1929–2015 |
Barbara Robotham | Mezzo Soprano | 1936–2013 |
Richard N. Scarth | Organist, Scholar | 1930–2014 |
John Scott | Organist | 1956–2015 |
Frank Shipway | Conductor | 1935–2014 |
Christopher Tambling | Composer | 1964–2015 |
William E. Webber | Organist | 1895–1961 |
David Willcocks | Choral Musician | 1919–2015 |